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15 Minutes Exercise that Shrinks Belly Overnight

15 Minutes Exercise that Shrinks Belly Overnight

15 Minutes Exercise that Shrinks Belly Overnight

Losing belly with the squat: Let's just say that the squat is a movement that involves bending your legs while carrying a bar as a load on your shoulders. If its implementation makes work the erector muscles of the spine, buttocks and many others, abdominals are also very busy. But be careful never to round off the back while performing this movement. Otherwise, your lumbar region and herniated discs will contract injuries.

Losing belly with frog jumping exercise or burpees: A series of well-supported movements summarize the frog jumping exercise. First, lower your two feet together with your hands on the floor at the front of your lower limbs. Then put yourself in the pump position and run one

No.1 Yoga Strategy to a Fast Metabolism

Tercio, get up on your legs in a frog position. Now, make space between your feet while immobilizing your arms at altitude. Finally, get as high as possible in the air. Throughout the maneuver, it is necessary to stiffen the belly and repeat this set of movements several times. Because this is a complete exercise that makes you feel the stretching of vital and secondary muscles. Thus, you eliminate the maximum of fatty substances in the belly.

Losing belly with Bhujangasana or Cobra posture: Very simple to perform, you will not get tired of repeating the Bhujangasana daily. Just lie on your back, put your hands on your thighs and raise your chest slightly. Above all, keep yourself in balance and watch your breath. The more you endure, the more you feel its effects directly on your stomach. What you thin the abdomen in a few days of practice. This exercise a woman to lose belly after pregnancy.

Losing belly with V-exercise: Yes! You read correctly. V is a physical exercise suitable for all sexes. It consists of settling yourself properly on the ground. After that, lift your feet slightly as you lower your chest from behind. Having formed the letter V, stand in this position where you stiffen your stomach. Thus, the muscles of his will be worked so as to allow you to get a flat stomach. Above all, write it down! This exercise must be repeated several times a day.

Losing belly with the exercise of the stick or the drawbar: Implementing this exercise may seem painful, but with a little courage, you will succeed. Keep the stick securely in the air. This will allow you to maintain your joints less than 90 ° to your chest. Now turn the top of your hip. By doing so, you reflect your abdomen, which will work well during the exercise. Despite the roughness of the movement, you will appreciate the finished rendering. This will motivate you to get back on the move. Do not hesitate!

Rest assured: this exercise is not about climbing a tree. On the contrary! It is just a matter of miming the action of climbing while being on the ground or by leaning on a solid object of average height. First, put yourself in the situation of one who wants to run a pump. Then, extend your arms well on the ground while keeping your chest straight.

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Then, step on your feet and now stiffen your belly and buttocks. Finally, bring one of your knees below your chest. In a simultaneous move, swap your two feet one after the other. It is recommended to practice this exercise gently both in the gym and at home. In doing so, you are straining your entire body. Especially the belly whose contraction and the succession of movements will significantly decrease. To achieve the desired results, it is not advisable to observe his fingers and to raise his rear and his shoulders.

Losing belly by doing exercises abs straight: The technique to perform the right abs is simple: Lie comfortably on your spine. Then you must place one of your lower limbs on the other. After that, pull your back off the ground so that the elbow of the opposite foot is touched by the knee. It may be complex to apply but effective at the finish. And that's the most important thing.

To manage to lose belly requires to observe a certain frequency in the sports activity. In addition, put rhythm, will and define specific training times. Only then will you lose the lipids in your abdomen to promote a flat stomach and a healthy body. More importantly, practice other exercises that require the use of force. For example, you can do functional training to work all the muscles. They will complement your movements to burn fat on other parts of your body.