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10 Best Foods for Weight Loss According to Science

To lose weight, you must not only give up certain foods but as often as possible eat those that help burn fat. In combination with minimal physical activity, you can achieve an effect in which fat will go away, as it were, by itself.

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Milk, yogurt, and cheese

These foods contain calcium, which helps burn fat. Thus, a meta-study, which examined the results of more than 90 studies, confirmed that there is a direct relationship between calcium intake and a high metabolic rate. Another meta-study that looked at the results of 14 experiments showed that people who regularly consume dairy products burn an average of 1.5 kilograms more excess weight with the same effort. The researchers believe that this effect is due to the fact that milk calcium suppresses the action of vitamins that stimulate the growth of fat cells.

Oats and barley

Remember as best you can: As long as you choose the right carbs, you can eat them in almost any amount. Moreover, those carbohydrates, which are high in dietary fiber and fiber, only help you lose weight. Oatmeal for breakfast, barley garnish for dinner will not only help you get rid of waste fat but also keep you in good shape.

Green tea

Catechins, which are abundant in green tea, speed up metabolism. What's more, a study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that drinking green tea is especially effective in combating belly fat. Five to six cups of green tea with lemon a day is the best choice for those who want to lose weight quickly and effortlessly.


Eggs are the most convenient source of protein, which is essential for everyone who cares about their shape. When you eat foods rich in protein, your body has to expend more calories to process the food; secondly, protein suppresses hunger much better than any carbohydrates, and thirdly, you just need protein if you are doing strength exercises. Therefore, eat eggs for breakfast at least a few times a week - and very soon you will notice the difference.

Walnuts and almonds

Nuts are perfect for a healthy snack that will not only satisfy mild hunger between meals, but also saturate your body with essential healthy fats. In addition, almonds and walnuts are rich in dietary fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, which increase the body's insulin sensitivity. Make sure to eat nuts regularly - and stay beautiful and healthy.

Apples and pears

What do these products have in common? They contain flavonoids, natural chemicals that literally melt the fat stored in your body. The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, confirmed that women who regularly consumed flavonoids ended up having the lowest body mass index. Researchers believe that this effect is due to the ability of flavonoids to increase energy expenditure, increase glucose uptake by the muscles - and, as a result, burn excess fat.


These tart berries are high in natural melatonin, which helps promote healthy sleep. It would seem, where does the excess weight? But the fact is that it is healthy to sleep that is necessary to maintain weight: as the results of numerous studies show, if a person slept poorly the day before, the next day he will give preference to more high-calorie foods, as well as light carbohydrates and foods high in sugar. In addition, healthy sleep regulates the normal levels of the hormone melatonin in the body, which affects the metabolic rate.


Cabbage contains many vitamins A, C, E, K, group B, as well as minerals - calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and others. At the same time, it has low-calorie content, but the body, in order to digest it, will have to expend a lot of energy. Because of this feature, the vegetable belongs to the so-called “negative calorie foods”. You can cook a lot of delicious and varied dishes with cabbage, so you won't get tired of it soon.


This vibrant citrus benefits almost every system in the body, from cardiovascular to immune. Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, folate and potassium. Pectins lower cholesterol, and naringin speeds up metabolism. Thanks to the content of carotene and antioxidants, grapefruit will help to maintain not only slimness but also youthfulness of the skin.

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