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Easy Ways to Reduce Thigh Fat

 The hips are the most problematic area of ​​the female figure. It is here that subcutaneous fat accumulates faster, and complexes grow with it. This problem is common for many of the fairer sex. The reason is female hormones, which are responsible for the distribution of fat mass.

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The situation is aggravated by a genetic predisposition and an unhealthy lifestyle. Today there are many ways to lose weight without harm to health in problem areas.

Features of losing weight in the hips You can remove extra pounds and avoid obesity in the future by applying an integrated approach to the problem. It includes low-calorie meals, body wraps, massages, and exercise. At home, any woman is able to avoid the accumulation of excess calories by choosing the right exercises, choosing a diet, and regularly doing light massage in problem areas. With proper nutritional adjustments during physical activity, internal fat will be burned, and not calories obtained from food.

It should be noted that it is impossible to remove excess fat only from the thighs, without affecting other parts of the body. In the process of reducing the volume of the hips, the rest of the body will lose weight, and weight, in general, will decrease. Applying an integrated approach to solving this problem, you can also remove fat from the arms, sides, and abdomen, as well as from other parts of the body. You should not expect an instant result, it will definitely appear, but it will take at least 3 weeks.

Basic principles of hip correction

It is possible to remove fat from the thighs by adhering to a number of rules: - An integrated approach. It is important to combine special exercises to correct this zone, proper nutrition, cosmetic procedures, and general physical activity.

Proper nutrition. It is necessary to choose a diet, the main principle of which is to reduce the calories consumed. Cut back on flour, sweet, salty, fatty, fried, and smoked foods. Eat protein foods, complex carbs, and unsweetened fruits and vegetables.

You need to drink water. It will speed up the metabolism, due to which the weight loss processes will proceed more efficiently. The minimum daily water requirement is 1.5 liters, excluding tea, coffee, soups.

Do weight loss exercises that correct the problem area. Consider the affected area. For thighs with "strategic" fat reserves, power loads are relevant.

Cosmetological procedures. Anti-cellulite massage and body wraps can be done at home, preferably after a shower. A special gel with a warming effect will help to get a good result, which must be rubbed into the skin of the thighs in circular movements for 5 minutes.

For body shaping, body wraps (honey or honey mustard) are also suitable. Honey is applied to the skin, the thighs are wrapped in foil, tight leggings are put on and left overnight. In the morning you need to wash it off with warm water. Mustard-honey wraps, in order to maximally activate metabolic processes, last 40 minutes.

Exercises to reduce hip size

Exercises that help you lose fat from your thighs can be different. The main condition is the feeling of the leg muscles during execution. The most effective exercises are:

Lying on your back, you need to press your legs close to the buttocks. Straighten one leg at an angle to the floor as high as possible. On the second leg, the hip part should be raised 10-20 times.

Lying on your side, you should raise the upper leg higher, placing it in the same plane as the body. In this state, it must be delayed as long as possible.

We put on a low bench or a stack of thick books. We stand on it with our feet in turn, for 5-10 minutes each.

Removing fat from the inner thigh

Athletes know effective and quick ways to clean the inner thighs. To do this, you need to perform special exercises that involve the muscles in the problem area. In order to become more beautiful, it is advisable to do physical exercises daily.

The most common exercise is to raise your leg while lying on your side. For the effect to appear, you need to lift your left leg 10 times while lying on your left side. For convenience, the right one should be bent at the knee or pulled back. Raising your left leg in this position is quite difficult, but the result is not the lifts themselves, but muscle tension. It is necessary to do 3 sets of 10 lifts on each leg - this will be a great start to get the figure in order.

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