To lose weight, you must not only give up certain foods but as often as possible eat those that help burn fat. In combination with minimal physical activity, you can achieve an effect in which fat will go away, as it were, by itself. Boost Your Weight Loss Journey with Biotox Gold- Watch Video Now Milk, yogurt, and cheese These foods contain calcium, which helps burn fat. Thus, a meta-study, which examined the results of more than 90 studies, confirmed that there is a direct relationship between calcium intake and a high metabolic rate. Another meta-study that looked at the results of 14 experiments showed that people who regularly consume dairy products burn an average of 1.5 kilograms more excess weight with the same effort. The researchers believe that this effect is due to the fact that milk calcium suppresses the action of vitamins that stimulate the growth of fat cells. Oats and barley Remember as best you can: As long as you choose the right carbs, you can eat them in almost any...